♪ Pa-pum ♪
[narrator] Previously on The Dragon Prince…
[Callum] What secrets are you hiding?
"In Darkness, Gaze Upon a Fallen Star."
I've planned a surprise for everyone.
Katolis is going to have some special visitors.
[Ezran] The Dragon Queen is coming to Katolis,
and she's bringing Zym.
You see? That's a sign!
The dragons are leaving!
We don't even have to sneak in now.
We'll be able to get your staff back without any trouble.
-[chittering] -[gasps]
[metal clanking]
[theme music playing]
[music fades out]
[theme music playing]
Rayla, what are you doing here?
I came back.
Yeah. I can see that.
You look nice, Callum.
Right, well…
You too, Bait.
-[grunts] -[chittering]
All day, I've…
I mean, all week really,
I've been so nervous and kind of edge-frazzled, you know?
But now finally seeing you, I feel…
still nervous.
You know what, I…
I have a long day tomorrow, I should go to bed.
Wait, what?
We haven't seen each other in two years.
Don't you think it's worth staying up a little past your bedtime?
I'm tired.
Fine. What do you want to talk about?
I just--
Anything, really.
I'm so happy to see you again, Callum.
[Callum] Okay.
So why are you back?
I guess you must have found Viren, huh? Was he dead after all?
[sighs] I didn't find him.
Oh. So you disappeared for two years for no reason at all.
-[loud screech] -[gasps]
-[chittering, purring] -Shh, it's okay.
Callum's nice. He's just joking.
[sighs] And who's this?
This is Stella. She's a wee cuddlemonkey.
I found her all alone, she's an orphan.
Or she was,
but now she's got a cuddle-mama.
Callum, I know my leaving hurt you.
[breathes deeply] Maybe.
You know what? I already told you, I don't want to talk.
Yeah. But would it be okay maybe if I stay?
And we just don't talk?
Wow. The view is just breathtaking.
You're breathtaking.
[chuckles] Watch out.
I have a dark magic thingy in my bag that can literally take your breath.
[both laugh]
Please never do that.
[sighs] I'll go in and find my dad's staff.
You keep watch in case the Dragon Queen comes back.
Will do.
But since you're going in alone,
you need to promise me you'll signal if you need help.
Hmm. What kind of signal should I give?
Oh, maybe just whistle.
You know how to whistle, don't you?
You just put your lips together
and blow.
[calm music playing]
[Claudia mimics farting sound]
[both laugh]
[birds chirping]
We had something so special.
But I became so obsessed with revenge
that I risked losing the best thing I ever had,
-[yawn, snorts] -Aw.
You're so gross.
[indistinct chattering]
[horse neighing]
Where's Callum?
He's supposed to welcome the Dragon Queen with a prismatic shablow.
Pardon my ignorance of the magical arts,
but what exactly is a "shablow"?
Oh it's like a…
well, it's complicated, but simple.
I mean… you know it when you see it.
King Ezran,
I'm worried about something a little less fun and colorful.
[kid laughing]
It's the gift ceremony.
I'm concerned that holding it in the Valley of the Graves
is insensitive.
Wait, what?
It's a sacred, beautiful place.
it's a place of peace.
Some people have come to me in confidence.
They worry that honoring a dragon in a place
that is a memorial to so many great humans,
some of whom died at their hands,
is offensive.
But that's exactly the point.
There's a history, and we're trying to get past that.
To build a brighter future.
There's a lot of anger, King Ezran.
Trust me! Just trust me.
This is a happy day, and it's going to be the start
of a great era of peace.
[horse whinnying]
-[wings fluttering] -[dragon growling]
Whoa! Here they come!
Zym can see us! They're about to land.
[all gasp]
-[people screaming] -[dragon screeching]
[dragon growling]
-[people cheering] -[laughs]
-[electricity crackling] -[people screaming]
Oh, that's tingly.
Feels kind of nice.
-[snarls] -[all gasp]
Hmm. King Ezran.
Zubeia, Queen of the Dragons, your heavenly majesty,
ruler of the skies and lands and seas of Xadia,
-I hereby formally welcome you to our-- -[dragon whines]
[Ezran grunts]
-[laughing] -[Zym whines]
Oh, Zym. I missed you, buddy.
[Ezran laughing]
[ominous music playing]
You're kind of odd, aren't you?
Little table.
Awfully small for a dragon.
Oh, you're not a dragon-sized table,
you're a dragon-sized button!
[inhales sharply, grunts]
[grunts, groans]
-[hatch unlocks] -[gasps]
[stone grinding]
Well, the official plan was to welcome you
with a display of majestic light and color from the high mage--
but he seems to not be here, so…
Oh! Uh… [whispers]
So instead, we're going to welcome you with the comedy stylings
of Crownguard Soren!
[people chattering]
[laughs] Welcome, welcome!
Now we've met before.
You might recall my name is Soren.
But from the looks of you flying overhead,
you are the one who is soarin'!
Okay. How do you tell a dragon's weight, huh?
You use dragon scales.
-[Soren] Hmm? -[grunts]
Dragons do not concern ourselves with our weight.
Okay. B-b-but if you did, though? Right.
If you did, scales measure weight.
-Huh? -Yes, they do. It's very funny.
[chuckles] I knew it.
[all chuckle]
Yeah! Woo! [chuckles]
-What? -[grunts]
Oh, no! Oh, no, no, no!
Oh, no! I'm late!
Manus pluma volantus.
[heroic music playing]
Now I do have a lot more funny jokes, but I'll wrap it up here
as I would not want my comedy routine
to "drag on".
[all laughing]
All right, thanks! I'm Soren, that's my time!
-[all cheering and applauding] -[laughs]
Well, that was surprisingly well-received.
Next on our agenda, refreshments!
-[man] Aha! -[all gasp]
It looks and smells amazing.
I am truly honored that you would--
[yelling] Wait, wait! Wait, wait, wait!
So sorry. [chuckles] Hi, so sorry.
Uh, here to welcome you.
High mage Callum here.
Eritque arcus ignis!
-[all gasp] -Whoa.
Oh, okay. You know what? I--
[all murmuring]
In the name of the dragons and the First Elves,
I declare this the most delicious jelly
in all of Xadia!
[cheering and applause]
[ominous music playing]
[fire ignites]
Come on, staff. You've got to be here somewhere.
Oh, I have some cute dangly earrings that would go with you.
Maybe you'll be easier to find if I make you glow.
Lux revelare!
One step closer to freeing Aaravos.
[Ibis] Ventum magneticus!
Over my dead body!
Well, if you say so…
Velox ignis!
[bird chirping]
The jelly tart was a gift of joy.
This painting is a gift of hope and friendship.
I hope you like it!
[all gasping, murmuring]
I'm so sorry!
-[grunts] -[gasps]
Arma virtutis!
Manus pluma volantus. [grunts]
Ugh, fang juice.
You do not smell so good.
[in ancient language] Give me your coiling snaky form.
Ugh! [coughs]
[suspenseful music playing]
[tail rattles]
-[screams] -[grunts]
Drop the staff!
Aspiro frigis!
-[Claudia gasps] -[Ibis grunts, pants]
[grunting] Give it to me!
I'm going to destroy it
before it can be used to do any more harm.
[ice cracking]
-[wind howls] -[Claudia gasps]
[Claudia grunts]
[woman] I just… I don't understand.
I'm not sure what happened.
Who did this? Speak for yourself!
If you want to say something to the Dragon Queen,
you should say it to her face.
Her real face that can bite you in two.
-Come on, coward! -[all murmuring]
[dramatic music playing]
I had a speech planned for today.
It was about peace and love and hope.
But I think I left something out.
I ignored something that was true.
I denied something that is undeniable.
We are angry!
I am angry.
I have been hurt.
My dad was killed when I was nine years old.
My mom was taken from me before I could even remember her.
It hurts! I feel pain about this, and I am angry!
We all want peace and we all want love.
but violence tests us.
In a twisted way, it converts us to its cause.
Because pain and loss feel so terrible inside,
you want to hate.
-You want to hurt someone else. -[whines]
So what do we do?
[both grunt]
How can we stop this cycle?
[Ezran on V.O.] Violence, loss, pain,
violence, loss, pain.
-More violence. Stop! -[grunts]
[Claudia pants]
[Ezran on V.O.] Stop.
I just want to yell stop.
[Ezran on V.O.] But that's not enough.
It won't work.
I think about a positive vision.
[Ezran on V.O.] A faith we can all share,
that we might build a future together in hope.
A future where we can be safe with each other.
-But… -[Ibis grunts]
[screams in pain]
It's not that easy, or simple.
[Ezran on V.O.] Because people are still hurting,
and they are still angry.
We can't ignore that,
or pretend it will go away.
[birds chirping]
Somehow, we have to hold it all in our hearts at the same time.
We have to acknowledge the weight of the pain and loss,
but open our eyes and allow ourselves to hope
and maybe forgive and love again.
We have to give today's children a chance to inherit a future
filled with peace.
To give them that,
we have to hold pain and love in our hearts
at the same time.
We were going to play some dancing music
during the festivities,
but I don't know if that feels right anymore.
Actually, King Ezran.
If you would allow it,
there is a piece I've written that I would like to share.
This is called "A Song of Love and Loss."
["A Song of Love and Loss" playing]
-[panting] -[footsteps approaching]
[Ibis groaning]
I am not a killer.
But if you seek to return that staff
to its true owner,
you pose a greater danger to this world than I can allow.
[Claudia continues panting]
You must die.
[electricity crackling]
Fulgur mortifer-- [groans]
I-I had to.
I-I-I couldn't let him hurt you. [sobbing]
[breathing heavily]
["A Song of Love and Loss" continues playing]
With my last…
[wind howls]
[music ends]
You are a wise and special boy, Ezran.
When you spoke, it was as though you could see
my own heart and my pain.
And the truth of you seeing that
somehow made it feel less.
It felt like healing.
-Rayla? -Hello, Ezran.
I didn't know if you'd want to see me again
-after the way I left. -[footsteps approaching]
I'm so sorry that I--
I missed you so much! We all did!
[wind howling]
The Staff of Ziard has been stolen.
I'm afraid this can only mean one thing.
The Fallen Star has returned.
[closing theme playing]